
Yandere Simulator is still in development, but you can download a demo! There are two ways to download the demo:

1. Use the launcher below
2. Use the Wordpress blog

(If the launcher doesn't work, please visit the blog instead!)

Before playing the demo, please keep the following information in mind:

Additional information:

Yandere Simulator has a launcher that will allow you to easily download the latest version of the demo! Click below to download the launcher:

Download Launcher

If the launcher is not working for some reason, you can download the game using the following link:

Or, any of the links listed here:

If you see anything like this, your download was corrupted; you need to re-download the game.

Gamepad Controls

Keyboard Controls

Debug Controls

If you have enabled debug commands, the following controls are available:

Customization Options

If you have enabled debug commands, the following customization options are available: